
What does "Hate Less, Love More" mean to me?

September 18, 2016

This one is pretty self-explanatory! As a young adult in this generation, I have seen many acts of hatred. Whether on the news or in my local community, hate seems to be thriving. We shouldn't allow hatred to take over in our lives. More importantly, we have to remember to show acts of love, daily! To me, sharing support, positive messages, and even a smile can be the light of someone's day. What benefit does one truly receive from showing hate? Be positive by hating less and loving more. #Spreadlove.


Taila Garrett

What does "Say Less, Do More" mean to me?

July 27, 2016

So, I am always telling people to "Say Less, Do More" but what do I mean by that?

Well, I believe that this is a phrase that promotes productivity. In any aspect of your life, whether big or small, you can be productive and excel. Often times, people SAY and express many desires or needs that they may have. Why leave these things in our mouths? Talking does not progress us very far, but taking action may break these limits. Always remember, life is short and time is valuable. Would you rather spend your time talking about making an impact, or would you rather spend your time actually making an impact? Your choice. Say Less, Do More.


Taila Garrett